Week Notes 3: A Week Offline at Home
This post is 3 of 4 in the series week notes.
This week, I left my phone and laptop at the office every day as a response to
this post Minimizing Use of Phones and
on /r/Quakers. Being device-free at home has been a nice break. It turns out
that all those little e-mail checks were a waste of time and presence. I
didn’t really need, in the moment, to know anything my phone could tell me.
Prior to this experiment, the only day-to-day thing that I thought I
“definitely” needed my phone for was calling the school before drop-off in the
mornings. A quick ten second phone call. Turns out, I could just bug the
secretaries at drop-off time. I’m strongly considering leaving my phone and
laptop at work going forward.
- War and Peace:
This slowed down a fair bit. I was reading other things before bed.
- The Virtual Community: This was a
great dive in to the early internet. It was released in 1994 and revised in
2000. I think we have a lot to learn from the experience of the early
- Sharing Nature with Children: This has a cool take on education called “Flow Learning” that I want to
write a bit about.
- Currently writing up the heart group stuff.
- My co-author was able to analyze two string figures from the Trobriand Islands. So, it seems to be working!
- I submitted a pitch to The Canadian Friend.
- A bit of juggling here and there.
- The weather got a lot warmer and I was able to walk in on Thursday and Friday.
- Amazingly, Wouter at BrainBaking asked to
see the photo of the deer remains! I checked
in on the remains and some of them are still there but covered with snow.
- I met with a French tutor, to help iron out the kinks in my spoken French. It was magnifique!
- Also, I’ve started talking to one of our adminstrative staff in French.
- I’m playing with some string figures:
- I was delighted to meet véronique another Toronto-based zinester who likes
- Wouter has a lovely post on Montaigne: Je Replie Ma Vue Au Dedans (in English). I remember really enjoying Montaigne when I read him in highschool. Such a goofy dude.
- A lovely chill set: Khruangbin x Hermanos Gutierrez | western desert road.
- This week, I came across two incredibly deep internet rabbit holes. Both of
these deserve “appreciations” like I did back on
- Originala Literaturo Esperanta
(“Original Esperanto Literature) by Sten Johansson. This page has
thousands of links to reviews of Esperanto literature, and many links
to the actual literature itself. I am totally fascinated.
- あやとりしてみよう (“Let’s Try Cat’s Cradle”) by ISHINO Keiichiro.
First off, I don’t read Japanese. I have no idea what most of this
website says. However, it seems to have ~1000 string figures from all
over the world translated in to Japanese. Incredible. There is so much
here. I met Keiichiro when he sent me a picture of Flor de Palo Borracho, which I was playing with in Week Notes 2.
Published: Feb 28, 2025 @ 10:00.
Last Modified: Feb 28, 2025 @ 22:41.
Thanks for reading!
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