
Historio De La Esperanta Literaturo

This book is written entirely in Esperanto.

This is an incredible encyclopedia of Esperantic literature. Weighing in at 748 pages, it covers everything. The writing style is both detail oriented and poetic. The following passage sent shivers up my spine.

La unua periodo de nia literaturo aspektas kiel dustila preĝejo: malantaŭ severa fasado kaj ombro de seriozaj kolonoj, masonitaj per tradukisma kaj idealisma arkitekturo, ni serĉu en flankaj kapeletoj interesan freskon, aŭ sur pavima angulo buntan mozaikon, pri kiuj la piaj samtempuloj ne ĉiam konsciis, ĉar turnitaj al la altaro de proklamota miraklo; sed la proklamo okazas jam per ilia kunesto, aŭ almenaŭ apudesto — ilia ezkisto mem, ilia strebo al komuna destino estas jam la miraklo.

My somewhat free translation of the passage.

The first period of our literature resembles a cathedral with two aspects: behind the severe facade and shadow of serious columns, carved from translation and idealism, we can look about for an interesting fresco in a tiny chapel, or in a paved corner we find a multicoloured mosaic about which the contemporaries might not even be aware because they’re turned towards the altar of a miracle which is about to be announced; but the miracle has already happened because of their gathering, or their standing beside one another — their existence itself, their work towards a communal destiny is the miracle.



Published: May 1, 2024 @ 12:48.
Last Modified: Aug 6, 2024 @ 22:55.

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