My coach, Rich Furman, gave me the following wonderful advice. If you’re feeling grumpy, trollish, mean-spirited, unhappy, stinky, loser-ish, or are generally in a terrible mood, try the following: “Gratitude, exercise, and meditation.”
All of these things sound fancy and new-age-y, but they are very concrete and actionable. Here is a quick set of instructions in under a hundred words and thirty minutes.
It is interesting to play with the order of these exercises. For example, how does “E.G.M.” compare to “M.G.E.”? I find that exercise is, by far, the most potent mood booster. If you’re tight for time, or really sour, start with exercise.
Published: Jul 14, 2024 @ 16:37.
Last Modified: Jul 14, 2024 @ 17:02.
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