
Course Evaluation Data Formatting

When you apply for probationary, continuing status, or tenure review, you need to submit your course evaluation data. Preparing this data and formatting in $\LaTeX$ is a hassle. This is a short little note to remind myself how to do. Hopefully, it helps someone else put this data together.

Here is a minimal working example of this setup.

First, reach out to Academic HR to get your course evaluation data. At UTSC, you can just contact: They’ll give you an Excel spreadsheet of your course evaluation data.

Second, to get in to $\LaTeX$, you can use: It has really good formatting control. You can use it like a regular spreadsheet program. It can save and loads tables in its own format. So, you’ll want to save backup copies of the tables that you make. I threw these in the same folder as my dossier’s assets, just in case I need them later.

Another thing about is that it produces tables using tabular environments. You can just switch them to longtable environments and get better results.

Third, you’ll want to lay out the tables to fit on a page nicely. This table is really big. I decided to split my table up in to two pieces and print each in landscape mode. You’ll need a bunch of additional packages to get this to work. Add the following to your $\LaTeX$ headers.

 %% needed for tables
 \usepackage{pdfpages} %% needed for including pdfpages
 \usepackage{pdflscape} %% needed for rotating the course evaluation data in to landscape mode
 \usepackage{makecell} %% needed for table headings with line breaks
 \usepackage{longtable} %% needed for splitting the table of course evaluation on to mulitple pages

And here is the code that actually produces the tables. The landscape environment makes the page appear in landscape mode in the pdf.

                 Table continued on next page.
                 End of table.

And that’s it folks! It could help with your PTR process, or various reviews. Let me know if you need any help to use this.


Published: May 13, 2024 @ 13:03.
Last Modified: May 13, 2024 @ 13:28.



Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about the content, please let me know. Anyone can contact me by email.